Imara Jones Portfolio
Imara’s work has created grounded-breaking, thought-provoking content across different platforms which have reached audiences both large and niche to foster new points of view and new ways of being.
Watch this highlight reel to get a better understanding of Imara’s range and quality of work and see her change making in action.
From the global climate change debate to the Black-trans female experience, Imara has appeared to discuss life and politics on various Podcasts and Radio shows, some of which you can experience below.

The Brian Lehrer Show: Making Black Trans Lives Matter
Listen to Imara on WNYC’s The Brian Lehrer Show talk about the importance of creating a truly inclusive Black Lives Matter movement.

NPR, All Things Considered: What Happened For Black Transgender People When Police Protests And Pride Converged
Imara talks with NPR about the “Crucible” of a moment that Demonstrations for LGBTQ equality and protests against violence and systemic racism against black people is for America in 2020.

The Brown Girls Guide To Politics: “Be brave even when you think you can’t.”
Listen to Imara’ on The Brown Girls Guide to Politics discuss the importance of being our authentic self to face challenging times.

Nancy: Black Trans Lives Matter
Listen to Imara on the Nancy podcast discuss the importance of returning pride to its radical toots.

Black Women Travel: Chapter 36: Imara of TransLash
Imara joins for an episode of Black Women Travel to discuss all about her personal journey of acceptance with her family, and her experiences travelling and living abroad as a Black woman.

Red White and Brady: Gun Violence & The Murder Of Black Trans Women
Imara comes on to Red White and Brady to discuss the murders of Black trans women and the contributions of firearms to this alarming issue.

Cite Black Women: We Must Center Black Trans Women In This Struggle
Hear Imara Jones appear on the Cite Black Women show to discuss the work she does to celebrate black trans women’s lives, her fights for justice, and imagining a Black Trans Future.

Uprising Radio with Sonali Kolhatkar
Listen to Imara join Uprising Radio in a few different episodes where the discussion centers itself around Eric Holder's legacy as an Attorney General, and the unregulated tax industry and it's effects on poor people as well as people of color.

Bad Queers: So Many Gems (with Imara Jones)
Listen to Imara guest star on Bad Queers where she talks about a myriad of important gems including but not limited to cis women stepping up in their responsibility to support the trans community, BLM, blocking our blessings, and more.

News O'Clock: Stories By Trans People, For Trans People
Imara appears on the Buzzfeed podcast New's O'Clock, where she talks about many the importance of creating space for trans people to tell their own stories.

Gender Reveal: Imara Jones
Imara opens up Gender Reveal's 6th season with riveting discussions on trans rights being the secret to defeating the patriarchy, her open letter to BET, why trans people are essential leaders for building better futures, and more.

The United States of Anxiety: How the Right’s Anti-Trans Hate Machine Works
Imara Jones discusses her work to elevate Trans stories and the inner workings of what she calls in her new podcast, The Anti Trans Hate Machine. Also, Veralyn and Imara breakdown why there is a lack of solidarity between Black cis and trans women.

Woke AF Daily
Imara Jones joins Danielle Moodie for Woke AF Daily's Fuck It Friday show. Imara uplifts the issues transgender Americans - particularly trans women of color and especially Black trans women - face in this country, and on the ballot this year.

Protecting the Trans Community
ITT All-Star Imara Jones, creator of TransLash Media and host of the TransLash podcast, talks about the corporatization of Pride amidst a barrage of anti-LGBTQ state legislation and dives into the intersection of immigrant and LGBTQ rights.

iHeartRadio: Our Body Politic
TransLash Media founder and journalist Imara Jones reflects on her experience of patriarchy and Trump’s weaponization of government against trans people.
Imara has not only been featured on newsstands as an interviewee, she’s also written for multiple magazines and organizations, some of which she was a frequent contributor for. Take a look below to read more.

The Guardian
For this publication, Imara has written multiple articles discussing a range of topics from racial profiling to stonewall, click the link to learn and read more.

Teen Vogue
We as transgender people possess a power right now stronger than that of those trying to erase us: The ability to imagine our future. In fact, at this moment in history, it is utterly necessary that we stake a claim on a transgender future. That is why I have spent the last year crisscrossing the United States talking to the smartest and bravest trans people I know.

The Nation
Check out The Nation to see what Imara’s said about the level of racism within a Presidential Campaign, and how trans women of color are the past and future of queer liberation.

Even after this summer’s series of historic protests and marches led by trans women of color, the murder of Black and Brown trans women continues unabated. During this long summer, the number of deaths of transgender women has climbed ever upward to at least 28, higher than the entire number killed in all of 2019.

The Griot
On Saturday, April 13, Morehouse College — the storied, and only, African-American, mens college in Atlanta — seemingly made a progressive move in the fight for trans equality and human dignity by declaring that for the first time it would begin to admit trans men.

Once the Economic Justice Contributor for ColorLines (as well as the creator of the weekly news show ‘The Last Sip’), Imara has written at length over the course of many articles about the impact of economics on American Citizens and what needs to change for everyone to be equal.

Click here to read Imara’s writing on the impact of repealing Obamacare, and Trumps desires to grow the economy while deporting millions of undocumented immigrants.
TransLash Media—a trans-led project created by Imara—uses the power of personal stories to dissolve the lack of knowledge at the heart of trans erasure. It’s goal is to shift the cultural understanding of what it means to be transgender in order to foster social inclusion and reduce anti-trans hostility which you can read more about below.

TransLash Media, created in 2018, has been pioneering the making of many forms of education and outreach about the importance of understanding the trans experience in personal and political settings in order to make a more inclusive world. With a new podcast, blog space, YouTube channel, multiple social media accounts and more, TransLash pushes the envelopes of the media and transforms perspectives - which you can see more of by clicking the link here.